
Excerpt from Deadwater

The hollow steps of the corridor echoed in Blaise’s ear. Swiftly, he followed his guide as if he would lose them in the dark expanse. Nothing but glossy darkness down the hallway, with only silence aside the footsteps. After endless paperwork and interviews, the world began closing in. He knew this was the last step in the process, where he would meet Lavinia, the executive. A powerful shadow spoken of in nothing but proper regard. Blaise felt heat around his ears. The guide slowed, and with panic in his stomach, he saw the door.

His accompaniment halted and turned to him. “She is waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” were the only words he whispered.

Since arriving, he felt the overwhelming urge to speak in nothing more than hushed tones. Each person he met inside Obsidian spoke directly and quietly. He followed suite. Pushing into the door, he entered her office, attempting confidence.

A small office. It was decorated minimally with the same black, glossy walls except for the back wall which looked to be foggy, black glass with a flat waterfall running down it. Her desk was situated in the center, near the back of the room, and her figure spoke for the space.

“Welcome, Blaise. Please, have a seat.”

She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. He complied, keeping his focus on her face. She appeared calm and lovely, dressed in sleek, dark garments and a strong posture.

“Thank you, Ms. Sparro. It is wonderful to finally make your acquaintance.”

She smiled, “I’m sure.”

Silence – but he wouldn’t let that shake him. Blaise knew his confidence and charm should never waver, and silence is powerful. One should use silence and embrace it. The nature of Obsidian is silence; the world needed it.

“The time has not been wasted by you, yet, and that I thank you for.” Her voice was cool and collected, with a tenderness to it.

“I’m glad,” he answered.

What to say next? Why did she not continue and ask questions? Blaise smiled but felt a spinning unresolve in his head as he felt the conversation stagnate. Did she want me to introduce myself and pitch to her my value? Why isn’t she speaking?

“I desire our time here together to be efficient and valuable to you, Ms. Sparro. And with the interviews and assessments I surmounted already I ask what it is you would like to know further?”

She listened well, gazing into him as he spoke. Blaise began to feel his clothes more – the tightness of his collar.

She said, “I know so much about you Mx. Ridley. I only appreciate the experience of listening to your presence as you sit before me in my office. You know the work you will be doing here, and I think you will succeed greatly.”

“Thank you,” Blaise nodded his head.

This is a test of will and patience I presume. I can sit here all day and speak pleasantries with you, Lavinia.

A harsh knock almost caused Blaise to visibly startle.

A muffled tone erupted from behind the door, “Lavinia, I won’t have this nonsense you’re scheming with Lana. She’s not going to that school!”

Lavinia never dropped her focus on Blaise, but her eyes narrowed slightly. She stood up, approached the door, and opened it slightly. The light scent of cedar wafted toward Blaise, and he didn’t dare turn his head to see who the guest was.

In a low tone he heard, “Cirrus, I will gladly discuss this with you later. Now, leave my office.”

“You have no right to delegate where she goes and who she lives with. She’s my daughter!” Blaise heard a tired desperation in the person’s voice.

“I hold every right to decide how family is treated and brought up in our house. You will soon learn this, despite your failure as a father.”

She closed the door and walked back over to her desk. Blaise heard footsteps recede from the door.

“Now Mx. Blaise, I believe you should see the facilities of Obsidian if you are to articulate what we do and acquire us the clients we deserve.”

As she walked to her place behind the desk, she tapped on the center of the desk’s surface. A divided playing board flipped open with pieces laid, ready to play.

“Let’s see our beautiful research center first.”

Lightly pressing on a piece, a doorway opened from behind the waterfall.

“Follow me, Blaise Ridley.”

Written by Kayla

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Welcome at the Well

            As I walked through the greenery towards the only entrance with my hand gliding along the circular stone wall, I saw the guard. She sleepily leaned against the front of the gate. My footsteps continued, avoiding any sound that might startle her. Suddenly, she spotted me and shouted, “Welcome!” with the biggest smile. After taking a few steps inside, many stares of confusion, mixed with excitement, greeted my figure. The fairy in front of me introduced herself as Ayesha, while others behind her waved. She served as the guardian of the Well, a fairy town hiding an artifact that grants wishes. Over the years, I had heard many stories and legends of this town, but never expected to find a welcome at the gate.

            “Why are they staring?” I inquired. Ayesha grabbed my hand, gave it a shake, and exclaimed, “Oh, we haven’t had a visitor in years! Let me show you around.” Within a minute passing, I made it beyond the gates, met the guard, and began touring the town. “Shouldn’t you stay at your post? Aren’t you worried about your defenses?” I questioned.

Ayesha stopped, mid-thought, and leveled her eyes with mine. “We have all the defenses we need. No need to worry,” she answered. After a bit more of her rambling about the town, I asked her the question that surged into my mind, “Why did you welcome me so quickly?”

            She extended her arm and pointed towards my back. “Your wings!” Ayesha remarked. “It’s rare to find a fairy outside of our town, and many here love hearing stories of the outside world.” She turned her back to me once again, explaining different aspects of the town while I followed. She must have forgotten to ask my name, what I came here for, or who I am. Her willing trust alarmed me with its unfamiliarity. I stayed silent and kept my guard up, while Ayesha blissfully guided me to the center of the Well.

            A crowd of fairies began to gather; all their heads angled upward. Suddenly, a huge circular shadow appeared on the ground. I immediately lifted my gaze. A few fairies leapt from the ground to fly towards the flying object. They extended their arms and stabilized it in the air. The fairies guided it to the center of the Well, and Ayesha prompted me to step back. Then they released it. A coin slammed face down in the middle of town.

            Ayesha prompted me to sit and watch the ritual. A few fairies gathered around the edges of the coin, placing petals to create distinctive marks on it. Then an old, frail lady walked towards the center carrying an excessively ornamented gold lamp. When she sat down and placed the lamp in front of her knees, everyone gathered closer. The lady spoke, “This one comes from a child. He wishes for his mother to recover from a terrible sickness.” In response everyone instantly raised their thumbs in acceptance of this wish. The lady nodded and proceeded to light a candle inside the ornate lamp.

            Silence covered the edges of the town as everyone slowly watched the wax drip down the candle. I copied their reactions to remain inconspicuous. The atmosphere changed after an hour when the flame abruptly formed into a purple smoke. I stood up. Everyone raised their heads, and the lady proclaimed the first break from silence, “The wish was granted!” As the fairies of the town cheered, I prepared my wings and lunged straight for the lamp. My arms collapsed around it. I propelled my body as fast as I could up towards the limits of the walls.

            No one followed. Not even Ayesha, the supposed guardian of this artifact. Once I flew over the walls, I continued to stay airborne until my feet plopped onto desolate sand. There, I continued my journey on foot, kicking the heavy sand away from my path. Eventually, I returned to the mostly empty cave I claimed as home. I placed the artifact on the table and stared. I searched in my mind for something to wish for, but I couldn’t imagine anything that would make me happy. I thought successfully obtaining such a rare artifact would at least let my face profit a smile, but nothing appeared.

            I sat at my desk intending to write a letter to my client informing him of my success. However, my drifting stares toward the artifact continually interrupted my focus. finally, I got up from my desk, approached the artifact, and thought of how Ayesha treated me followed in return with my betrayal. I clutched the artifact in my arms and headed out the door. I began the journey back to the Well wondering if they would accept me again or deal me a reasonable punishment. On my way, I prepared myself to face her.

            Once there, Ayesha’s eyes greeted mine. I froze in place as she walked toward me with her serious face. She grabbed the artifact and her face changed. She exclaimed, “It always works! Welcome home!” She gave me the same smile as before. I returned a confused and startled stare. She teased, “I told you we have all the defenses we need.” Ayesha paced back towards the gate and opened it wide. Then she turned to me and remarked, “Isn’t this what you wished for?”

Written by Rachel

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Love in Doing and in Being

Love in doing and in being

Little words with great, big meanings

Swimming, laughing, running, breathing

Understanding, loving, seeing

Quiet seconds hold everything

The greatest pleasure, harshest sting

If you knew what your purpose brings

You could accomplish anything

Yes, formed from dust but filled with light

A glorious and humbling sight

A unique, precious life to live

Enough without the additives

So, don’t buy the things to fill the void

Don’t unearth the things that you destroyed

In simple things, the here, the now

Is where your happiness be found

You’ll find it, love, I promise you

When you realize this simple truth

The little things seem much less fleeting

Love in doing and in being

Written by Gracie

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