The Universe and I

I’m still in awe of the mysteries you left
How with soft whispers of breath
You explained the infinite

Once the words came off your lips
Galaxies and stars were commanded to exist
Each images of your greatness

To think that collisions of sparks
Would be perfectly positioned pieces of art
That in an array of patterned lights
Cold became heat and dust life

What a wonder to behold:
Burning gas and dusty planets growing as told
To see how the universe yearned to unfold

How amazing it would be:
To watch the first stars sparkle into being
Seeing your wonder spread across galaxies,
Knowing that in all this… you dreamed of me

A small life, an invisible soul
Nothing in comparison to creation’s whole
Yet one for whom you’d pay the highest toll

For while still unbeknownst to me,
The stars and galaxies proclaimed your glory
No, a love story

A tale of how you so adored
Someone so tiny and obscure
That you placed a million lights in the sky
Without a single reason why
Other than to be beheld by my eye

Written by: Naomi Hernandez

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